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Well...I'm all out of excuses now. Just gotta put it out there, I am the worst blogger ever. Go on, judge me! Never mind though, as I have a little post for you all today! 

2015 is a pretty exciting year for me. In the Summer, I am lucky enough to be going to New York & Florida in June. In September, I also turn 21, along with all my friends 21st Birthday celebrations too. But already, anxiety and nerves are kicking in... Because I want to look forward to going away in the Summer to America, but the bikini body panic has already set in. So, instead of sitting around and moping about how fat and uncomfortable and sweaty I'm going to be when I'm in America, i've decided that I am going to do something about it. I'm unhappy with my body image. You might think this is hypocritical, as only a few posts ago I ranted and raved about how you should love yourself no matter what. Which I think is true. But, I am getting really unhappy in my own skin. A while ago I lost a lot of weight and forgot that once I lost weight, I had to keep it off. So, you can guess what happened? I lost just under two stone, got down to a size 14. Since then, I have put the two stone, plus more back on, and I am now back up to a "larger" size 16. 

So, therefore I have decided that I am rejoining Slimming World tomorrow morning. I loved it when I was doing it about a year ago, I just fell at the first hurdle (weight gain), and I gave up all hope. Instead of pushing myself harder, I just stopped. And now, I'm back to being very unconfident about my shape. It's not even about how I look on the outside - it's how I feel on the inside. All the fags, booze and takeaways are starting to take it's toll on me. I'm 20 years old and I should be enjoying life - not worrying about my health, weight and contributing more problems to these areas. 

So, I am aiming to be a size 14 again for America in the Summer. By my 21st Birthday in September, I would love to be a size 12. Which is completely achievable - as long as I realise that if I have a bad week, have a weight gain, maybe put on a pound, that I am not a failure. I just need to pick myself up and keep going. 

I also want to become more active. I'm going to start by dusting out my old copy of Vicky's 7 Day Slim - and maybe, I will treat myself to another quick exercise DVD. This best suits my busy lifestyle - I would love to spend hours in the gym everyday - but unfortunately I cannot - so a 10 minute work out in the morning or evening is most suitable for me. This time, I must also ensure that I am prepared for everything - this involves setting out meal plans and taking my own lunch to University and work with me. 

When attending Slimming World classes this time, I am going to make sure that I stick around for the classes, and for the cheesy "you lost 1 pound" entire-class-applaudes event. Because thats what motivates you. I also find instagram really helpful for slimming world, there are thousands of hashtags and pictures around this social media tool. From before-and-after pictures, to recipe ideas and daily updates on what other members are eating. I know I will never get bored of this diet if I just keep pushing myself.

I will be updating this blog weekly in regards to slimming world, and I will try to include my experience of each week and I will involve as many recipes as possible to help motivate others. I would love to start a group conversation or private group on Facebook relating to myself and my weight loss journey - with other people willing to come on the trip with me. Let me know if this is something that you would like to see.

Thank you for reading, good luck to everyone in 2015 xoxo
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