Stage one:
For stage two I use the toner (clarifying lotion, £16.50 for 200ml), once again in number 3 for combo to oily skin. I apply a reasonable amount to a cotton pad and put directly on to my face and on my neck, I put it all over - but put a slight bit more to my tzone - my troublesome areas for collecting oil throughout the day. This product sweeps away the dirt and oil left on my face from having quite open pored skin - a common trait in oily skin. The product goes on quite strong, and strong smelling. But personally when it comes to products that combat oily skin, I think that they are all very strong smelling and strong feeling on your skin.
The last thing I'll do in my skin care routine is apply a moisturiser. I use the Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, £30 for 125ml. This is an oil free moisturizer and feels really light weight on your skin. This product is catered for oily to very oily skin and it works perfectly along with the other two products to combat excess oil and dirt. People with oily skin will often attempt to leave out moisturising the skin - because they think it will make it more oily. PLEASE, don't do this! Your skin is over producing oil because it's so thirsty and it's not getting the right amount of moisture. The less you moisturise the more oil that your skin will naturally produce. Ensure that you use an oil free moisturiser. It doesn't have to cost £30 like this one, nivea does an oil free daily moisturiser which would work just as well. Remember this only applies for oily skin, girls with dry skin will need a different moisturiser, catered to their skins needs and demands. You can get advice on this through a few google searches, or speaking to any professional at a skincare counter.
To remove my make-up at the end of the night I use the Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish, Hot Cloth Cleanser. I bought the smaller tester kit for around about £15 from Boots. It comes along with two muslin clothes. What you do is you rub the product all over your face - yes with your make-up still on! When you use this product at first it will feel really unnatural rubbing a cream into your face when you still have a full face of make-up on. After the product is completely rubbed into your skin you wet the muslin cloth and squeeze all the excess water out, and gently rub the cloth in to your face. Suddenly - no make-up on! This product is genius and is a one step way to remove all the make-up and grime for the day. After i've removed my make-up I repeat the same morning steps - except the use of the sonic brush - not just yet anyway, eventually I will start to use that at night as well.
I should mention that I understand that this skin routine comes in really expensive, I should also mention that I got the Sonic Brush for my birthday, which was on the 15th of september. I decided to treat myself on payday and repurchase the full range to treat myself and my skin - a girl deserves it after al! I have only recently bought the Liz Earle Hot Cloth Cleanser but I am really impressed - recommend anybody to buy the smaller bottle as a tester, it's a real time saver when it comes to removing make-up!
Thanks for reading, I will be posting some fashiony stuff and outfits of the day, after all, it is autumn now! Favourite time of the year make-up and fashion wise. I will speak to you in my next post! thanks xoxoxoxox
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