Filthy, dirty hair: Big, messy, top knot bun

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Doing a top knot bun is much easier on day old or "dirty" hair, and this if the only way i am able to do it! This blog post will give you information and advice on rocking that big bun. Firstly, this hairstyle is very difficult to do on freshly washed, soft, clean hair. Dirty hair has more texture, volume, and in general is much more easy to manage and work with.

The products I when doing this hairstyle are as follows:

  • "Girlz only" Dry Shampoo (Really inexpensive, cheap dry shampoo that does the same job as batiste - i found my one in tesco)
  • Two bobbles
  • Kirby grips - the amount you need will depend on the length of your hair - girls with shorter hair may find this hairstyle more difficult, but is is achievable with more products. 
  • Backcombing brush

My day old, unwashed hair looks something like this

1. The first step of the big messy bun is to of course, dry shampoo the roots. I then go on to put my hair up into a sleek, high pony tail - trying my best to smooth out bumps - although, if the bumps are un-smoothable (like mines), leave them be, and turn a high knot bun into a ... high messy bun ;-)
Your hair should look something like this:

2. The second step is the fun part, i go absolutely mental backcombing the pony tail, until it looks something along the lines of this...

I take the second bobble, put it around this birds nest, and put it into the half pony tail bun - this is difficult to see, but if you were to do this yourself, you'd understand what i mean! Like so -

3. I take the kirby grips, and pull down the four sides of the bun, ensuring that there is no bits flying around randomly  - and secure them into place. Finally, before i spritz some hairspray, i tug the front sections of my hair, and pull some bits out around the side of my face - this gives an undone, messy look to the bun.

Here is the completed look:

All in all. this hair takes me around about 5 minutes to do. Perfect for when you're in a rush and have no time to wash your hair! 

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