Hello! I hope your March is going wonderfully so far, mines has been! Long may my good luck continue!
I was in Tesco doing the food shop earlier, and something caught my eye. Next to the skin care/bubble bath section was something I hadn't quite seen before... It caught my attention because it looked like Soap & Glory, up above this section - was a stand with products that looked like sanctuary products - both of these products are drug store Boots only brands. Anyway, once my attention was caught I wondered over and noticed that the new(ish?) brand had a 3 for the price of 2 offer on - obviously I decided to purchase some of the products! How could I not? It's me we're talking about.
Although, I haven't tested out the products yet, so this isn't quite a review ... I just thought I'd share this new brand with you, as it is so similar to Soap and Glory (even the design!) And it is a wee bit cheaper also! The brand is called Along Came Betty and it is apparently inspired by 50's celebrities. Therefore the products have a funky vintage look.
If you click here it will take you to the page on the Tesco website where all the products are.
The texture of the product is very thick and sugar like - obviously like most deep scrubs but it does not feel greasy on my skin. As I said, I have not used the products properly yet but I rubbed a small amount on to the back of my hand to get an idea of what it was like, for this blog post! According to the packaging the product has salt, sugar and apricot in it. You can definetly smell the fruity smell from it, once again, found in most body scrubs.
ran out of my favourite soap and glory body butter and have been using my mum's body shop one, although I do
not think that she is very pleased with this fact! The actual name of this body lotion is "Creme of all Creams" and is a bargain coming in at £3.99 (I got it free as a part of the 3 for 2 offer, on until the 17/03/14 in Tesco stores). What I liked most about the product is the fact that it contains Aloe Vera, which I find works very well with my skin - especially on my legs when I get really stubborn dry skin!
Over all I am very impressed with these products so far in regards to the price with the size of the products, and the packaging also. I am also interested and excited about finding out if these products are a great alternative to Soap and Glory. Some products from Soap and Glory are simply unreplacable, but if I can save money on similar products, I am obviously going to!
I hope you have enjoyed this blog post and I really hope that you found this information helpful - I had never heard of this product line until I happened to be walking past an isle and spotted it from a distance. I work in the tesco store that I was in today and I don't think I've ever saw a customer come through with any of these products, the fact that it is on offer suggests that it is new to my store.
I can't wait for a pamper night tonight to test out all of my new products! I hope you enjoyed this blog post.
Love Lauren xoxox
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