Tuggy Tips & Techniques

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Many girls would long for thick, shiny, smooth hair. I have the thick hair, but in no means do i have the shiny smooth hair. In-fact, my hair is that thick, it tugs and creates knots by itself when i'm sitting doing nothing. Over the years, I have gathered advice from beauty guru's, magazines and my hairdressers. Now, my hair is much more manageable! Below, I have shared my tips and techniques for unruly thick hair. 

My hair only gets washed 3-4 times in a week. In-between washes, I use dry shampoo, which is obviously good for soaking up oil - but there is no denying the fact that this is a nightmare for thick colour treated hair in regards to tuggy-ness! (made up word for you!). I struggled with this for years until I was introduced to heaven in the form of a brush. The tangle teezer. 

Tangle Teezer

I make great use of the tangle teezer in all situations - for brushing out dry shampoo, brushing out backcombing and dry hair products such as hairspray, and i also make use of this little peace of heaven in the shower.

The tangle teezer is a paddle brush, that moulds to the shape of the hand - which makes it very easy to control. It has large "teeth" placed closely together and shining qualities. It glides through hair pain free, getting rid of all knots and tugs it comes across. 

The tangle teezer is available in boots, and this one in particular costs £10.99. It may seem like an expensive way to brush your hair - but this brush is a little bit of magic. 

L'oreal Paris Elvive Colour Protect
Deep Conditioner 

A deep conditioner is a must have for every girls haircare routine. Because I don't wash my hair often, when I do wash it I always use a deep conditioner. I shampoo my hair with L'oreal Paris Elvive Colour Protect, then go on to massage this into my hair, then brush it through with the tangle teezeer. I leave it on for 5-10 minutes, and get up to something else like shaving my legs, or washing my face, etc. I rinse off as you would with normal conditioner, ensuring that I have all of it out - and left with no oily residue! 

Why do I love this?

The main reason that I love this product is because it's colour protecting - and I think using colour protecting products on coloured hair contributes to getting smooth, tug free hair. 

This product is an inexpensive deep conditioner - retailing at £6 in drugstores. 

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