As a part of my everyday make-up, I do slightly winged eyeliner on my top lid. Here's how I achieve this look in a few quick steps.
Before I begin, I use Collections Fast Stroke Liquid Eyeliner - available in drugstores at the really inexpensive price of £1.99
The "pen" of this eyeliner is like a thin felt tip - great for thin lines, and really easy to thicken.
1. I create a thin line along the top of my lid - remember, patience is a virtue!! Especially when it comes to liquid eyeliner. It doesn't matter if the end of this is perfectly straight.. you'll see why in the next step!
2. I then go on to taking the end up diagonally - as far as i wish, on this occasion, for every day wear - i didn't "flick" it out very long. Once again, i have kept the line very thin!
3. This is the tricky part... You want to take the end of the flick, over to connect with the rest of the eyeliner - to create a thicker, more defined line of eyeliner. Take it right over to the tear duct. Basically in a straight line, this is when patience is extremely important, it is easy to rush it - but this will not work! You will just end up with a wonky line.
4. Almost done! The fourth and final step in this is to curl your eyelashes, and apply mascara to the top and bottom lashes - you can go as heavy or as light as you wish, for every day purpose, I use a light hand and just apply a teeny weeny bit to the bottom lashes.
I have added a picture of both eyes, to see the comparison and to see the final look :-)
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