Hello! It is a well known fact that brows, well... they aren't the easiest thing to do make-up wise. People just always seem to get them wrong! Well, after years of trying I have found MY eyebrow routine, which I think works wonderfully for me, and hopefully you will be able to take on some of my pointers and advice on this topic.
I used to be a HD brow enthusiast...I don't know what, but something put me off. The price maybe? And added on to that, how often I personally had to get my eyebrows done when I had them HD. The last three times I have been at the beauticians, I have simply got them waxed and tinted. I get this procedure carried out once a month - in between appointments I become best friends with a pair of tweezers and scissors. Using a brow wand I comb up all the hairs on my eyebrows, and I take the scissors (beauticians all over the world are going to shout at me) and trim the stray ones. I get really bad "owly" bits at the front of my eyebrow and I simply just trim these down. I pluck out a few hairs from the middle and just below my eyebrow - simply to keep them tidy.
I carry this out about once a week. My beautician will do the majority of the work, this is just to keep things tidy until my next appointment. You can see in the picture above, a slight difference. No, it's not just a bad picture - this is literally all I have to do in between appointments.

Moving on to make-up and filling my eyebrows in; I take my time with doing this. If your eyebrows are rushed, they will look it. I'm not going to bother going too much into the "what should be where" rule but instead I am going to add a quick picture - you will instantly know what I mean when you see the picture.
(picture is not mines)
Do not ignore this rule - but at the same time, try not to take it TOO seriously. You are allowed to reposition things by half a millimetre, and if your natural eyebrows do not look like this, then do not force them to look like this! This is a guideline, not a rule.
1) I start off by taking a small angled brush (I take a smaller one because I feel like it is easier to work with, compared to a larger one). And putting it in my HD brow kit in colour 002 foxy. I take the medium brown colour - carbon in this palette is far too dark for me, but dark blonde barely shows up for me.
Excuse the dirtiness of my palette - it's hard to keep clean! (Left to right; highlighter, dark blonde, medium brown, carbon, wax).
Using very light strokes I start filling in my eyebrows (after the sparse hairs - I do something different at the very beginning of my eyebrow). Eyebrows will look too harsh if you keep the brush on the eyebrow when filling it in, light feathery strokes makes it look more natural. I then take a smaller brush (i use an old lip one, any will do) and I apply the wax exactly over where I filled in, this keeps the eyebrow in place all day. I do this for two eyebrows before filling in the first part of my eyebrow
2). On the very first part, closest to my noes, I take an eyebrow pencil in the same colour as medium brown in my HD palette, and once again using like feathery strokes i fill in this part of the eyebrow. Using a pencil for this part is easier to work with and less harsh - giving you a good shape to your eyebrow. I find it easiest to give my eyebrows a sqouval (square and oval) start - once again, it looks more natural.
3) I forgot to add that, my eyebrows are the third stage in my make-up routine (after foundation and concelear). The third step takes place towards the end of my make-up routine, whenever I have done my eye make-up. I highlight directly underneath my brow bone, not only does this give my face and brows more structure, but it blends out my eye shadow - banishing any harsh lines my make-up has left over. Any highlighter, will do but personally I used MAC's mineralized skin finish in soft and gentle.
The finished look should look something like this - in this picture you are able to clearly see how soft the first part of my eyebrow looks compared to the rest of my eyebrow - I use two different products when filling in my eyebrows because that is exactly how my eyebrows naturally are. Unless you are a drag queen (no offence!), then you should just work with your natural eyebrows. Eyebrows look bad when you try to change them too much - just work with what you have. You may also notice that my eyebrows are two different shapes - this is once again because my natural eyebrows are slightly different. You must also remember that your eyebrows are sisters, not twins.
Thank you for stopping by to read this blog post, every read counts as a success for me, thank you and I hope you are having a wonderful Wednesday! (I hope you are wearing pink) xoxox
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