Hello, again...for the second time today! I was sitting painting my nails, and realised.... I have only worn this colour for just over a week. That's not usually like me - when I'm wearing nail polishes, I tend to switch it up to match my outfit, sometimes on a daily basis. Does anybody else do that?! And it dawned on me, that I wore this exact same nail polish most of last year from March-June. It's a mint green colour that I purchased in Boots from Barry M. The actual colour name is "304 Mint Green 028". It's a beautiful pale green colour. Not quite pastel, not quite neon. The perfect colour. For some reason, I don't think that I suit pale pink nail polishes, so around this time of the year I opt for baby blue or light green. It makes my nails look longer whereas pale pink nails makes my nails and fingers look like little stumps. Barry M nail polishes are excellent quality and very reasonably priced. They have a wide range of colours including crackle effect and nail polishes with large sequins in them - they were my go to nail polishes for the festive period, which seems like a million miles away now!
I can't believe this is my third blog post within 2 days - it's not like me! I hope you have enjoyed this quick post on my current favourite nail polish for welcoming the Spring.
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