│Love the Product, Hate the Packaging │February 2014 │♥│

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Aloooha! My blog has had a bit of a make over, did you notice? The name has been changed also :) What do you think of it? Do you prefer it like this? It's a horrible day outside, so rainy and glum - typical Scottish weather. I've been off college today. I was up all of last night and fell asleep around about fifteen minutes before my alarm went off! My stomach has been aching and I've had a sky high temp. Feeling pretty sorry for myself if I'm honest.

Anyway, enough of the babbling. I recently purchased (well, in December) a new mascara. Cliniques High Impact Curling Mascara if I'm being precise. I have discovered that I LOVE the product, and HATE the packaging. This is the first time this has ever happened to me, it's not very often that I dislike the packaging of a product. I bought this mascara directly from clinique for £17

The mascara itself it's amazing. It is very black and pigmented, it goes on truly black. It curls my lashes very well and separates them too, so that they do not stick together into three eyelashes. The mascara will last all day and it can be kinda stubborn to get off also - which is a good thing because that way, I know it wont budge through every day things such as sweat and rain (I'm Scottish remember!) etc. 

Now, the product, not so amazing! It clumps really badly around the side of the packaging and when you take the wand of the product, loads of excess product and mascara goop seems to end up around the side of the product. This can be quite messy, i always need to have hand santazier and a baby wipe next to me when I am using the product. I'll insert two pictures here to show you what it's like with the product unopened. 

Of course, this problem is easily sorted by cleaning the product. Oh, but it keeps doing this. It's weird because the product itself on the eyelashes isn't watery and it doesn't smudge, so I don't quite understand why this is happening. I will be able to look past this flaw in the packaging because I love the product so much, I will just have to ensure that I have my baby wipes and hand sanitzer next to me when I go to apply this.

I hope you enjoyed this quick blog post. Once again I had left it too long!! Apologies, but I am prioritizing my time between studying, work, weight loss (cooking and working out), friends and family and finally, blogging!

Thanks for reading. Hugs and kisses.
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