Hello there! It's currently 11pm and i'm still 100% wide awake with nothing to do, so why not do a tag? This is the first ever tag i've done so i hope you enjoy!
GREED - What is your most inexpensive beauty product? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty products are a variety of make-up products from the brand MUA available at superdrug... Lipsticks & Eyeshadows from £1. Just because these products are cheap it doesn't mean they're useless, they are actually really good! (Surprisingly)
My most expensive make-up product is an eyeshadow palette from Estee Lauder... It cost a whopping £38 for a limited edition/seasonal palette. It was the first ever high end make-up product i bought and i bought it with birthday money when i turned 14. Unfortunately obviously the product is long gone but i believe Estee Lauder are always coming out with seasonal products, a bit pricey though but if a birthday or christmas is coming up, i highly recommend them!
WRATH - What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with?
The first product I have a love hate relationship with is mineral foundation. Literally a case of sometimes i love it, sometimes i hate it. I mostly hate it though! I like heavy duty, high coverage foundation so i don't even know why i bother opting for mineral foundation. I have super oily skin and i feel as if when i use this too often it drastically dries my skin out (if anybody knows how to avoid this, please tell!)
The second product I have a love/hate relationship with is BB Creams. I've only used one and it's the garnier one in the colour medium/dark. It is ridiculously orange on me. The coverage is light and it just feels as if i'm rubbing orange jam on my face...It only does a few things - makes me orange & makes me oily as hell (don't recommend this one in particular for oily skin!) Although, for a run to the supermarket or down to my grannies, it does okay and is easy to apply and convienent
GLUTTONY - What are your most delicious beauty products?
Believe it or not...This product is literally about taste! It seems like an odd one to me too, don't worry! But, weirdly enough i knew what the answer to this was straight away...MAC Lipstick! Not so much the taste, mind you they don't taste particularly bad...but the smell. I don't know quite how to describe it (perhaps heaven in the form of lipstick). It smells like sugar icing to me anyway!
SLOTH - What beauty product do you neglect due to laziness?
Unfortunately two come under this, i'll keep it short and simple and just list them! Eyeshadow & heat protectant for hair. No products in particular, just them two in general!
PRIDE - What beauty product gives you more confidence?
Foundation by far! As a past teenage acne sufferer i couldn't go without this. I have uneven skin tone and scarring, and usually a massive load of spots to go along with it. I usually do a high coverage routine (if you'd like to see, please shout out!)
LUST - What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
I personally don't see how this question is relevant to this beauty tag but here goes....Honestly? A nice approachable smile! A smile is really attractive and it gives off a good vibe and a good first impression.
ENVY - What item would you most like to receive as a gift?
erm...HINT HINT!! Haha. Honestly i'd most like to receive a new hair curling product. I'm useless at curling my hair with straighteners and I don't have any good, or expensive hair curlers. Old ones i've had for years that are literally falling a part. This may have to go on to the Christmas list!
Well guys, end of the tag now! I hope you enjoyed this less casual post and if you have, let me know and i'll be sure to do more chatty and laid back ones. Thanks for reading! Have a lovely day :-) xoxo
Oh I love this tag! but I guess I have to be tagged first to do it. Can you tag me?
I tag ya! ;-) i didn't get tagged...but i was struggling for ideas one day and i couldn't be bothered taking pictures of products etc to do a review so i though, bugger it a tag it is!! haha :-) i've added you to my reading list love. Xx