UPDATED BRUSH CLEANING ROUTINE! (Chemical? Heaven in a bottle)

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Today I'm going to talk a bit about my updated brush cleaning routine - goodbye to my ELF and baby shampoo brush cleaning routine...Hello to the Isopropyl Alcohol IPA Isopropanol method. 

First of all, I'd like to quickly mention Zoë - who introduced me to this product! She is a blogger and youtuber. (http://www.youtube.com/user/MammafulZo)

Secondly, before we begin... Here is a direct link to the 500ml version of the product. 

Now to begin! After Zoë made me aware of this product, I in no means hesitated to go purchase it. It is a pure alcohol, chemicial brush cleaning thing...It's the only way to describe it, basically, this product is great. It is a disinfectant and some what mess free. 

I clean my make-up eyebrushes using this technique - be it for a deep clean or an on the spot clean, when I have to use the same brush for two different colours, etc. 

Although, I have to say this technique barely works for larger brushes - this is only because this is my water free way of cleaning brushes - and only small brushes, such as eye brushes can get a proper deep cleanse this way. Foundation brushes, blush brushes, contour brushes (any large face brushes) can be cleaned using this product,with baby shampoo/elf brush cleaner and water. As i've already mentioned, this chemical is a disinfectant so it will make your brushes as clean as they could ever be.

Now for the routine... 

The large bottle is really hard to work with, so I recommend that you buy one of these bottles... Either a pump one like mines, or a spray bottle. You can get these really cheap. 

I also use face cloths to swirl the brush on - I layer these up as I'm using a very strong chemical and don't want to damage any furniture. On another note, try really hard not to get this into your eye as you may end up blind! 

Using the smaller pump bottle, and the cloth I spray a reasonable amount on to the cloth. 

Take my dirty brush and swirl it around the product. 

Very dirty eyeshadow brush...  

 Product/Chemical on the cloth ... 

 Aftermath on the cloth... yuck!

 Perfectly clean brush now!

The product is very inexpensive and it will last you a long time - I cannot find any faults with this product so far and I think I will continue to use this product for a very long time - it is an absolute godsend, with some chemical science involved....

Thank you for reading. xoxox
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1 comment

  1. We've nevr heard of this as a brush cleaning solution, we'll have to look into it. Great review

